The default setting for epub previews is two-fold mode. How can I switch to a one-fold mode or increase the font size of the displayed epub document to make it easier to read? Thank you.
Currently there is no possibility to adjust the font size in the epub viewer, but you can use the zoom setting of the desktop application.
Regarding the one-fold mode, the app is switching automatically to it if you reduce the width of the application window.
Thank you. Neither is an elegant solution. I think I will convert my epub documents to pdf, even if we cannot set a default zoom for pdf files.
For PDFs you are able to set the zoom level in the viewer.
Yes, for each PDF you can set the Zoom level and Tagspaces will remember that. But we cannot set a default Zoom level for all documents. Can we?
No for all documents types. The viewers in TagSpaces are like small apps, with there own logic, in some of them like HTML or PDF-viewer you can set the zoom level, in other like the EPUB-viewer this is not implemented yet.
I should clarify. Can we set a global default zoom level for all PDF documents? I don’t think so. The zoom level can be set for each individual PDF documents and the zoom level for each document will be remembered between sessions.