I recently tried to setup the TagSpaces Lite Web App.
After initial login and add a (S3) Location, there are two issues.
No files, but only folders are shown. Files are only shown, if they were created using “Drag-and-Drop”-Upload from TagSpaces Web Page
Each time, I reload the Browser site, the location is gone and I have to reconfigure it. This way, TagSpaces is unusable for me.
I tried to configure a fixed location by using the extconfig.js file, but this location is not shown.
So the question would be: Is the extconfig.js support by the TagSpaces Lite Web App? If not, is there another way to permanently add a location to TagSpaces Lite Web App?
To your first question, on which service were located your files ?
For the second on there is a parameter for this called: ExtSaveLocationsInBrowser . You can find more here:
The saving of location data in the browser is disabled by default because it is not suitable for every use case to save sensitive information in the browser’s local storage.
As I tried to setup the TagSpaces Lite Web App, I had to use an S3 Location. I followed this tutorial, which had me to setup a MinIO server on my NAS. Because it seems like I used an updated version of MinIO, I could not follow the tutorial exactly step by step. Creating users for MinIO somehow differs for me. But I created an Access Key and a Secret Key - and TagSpaces did show me the folders correctly.
Strange for me is, that a TagSpaces Linux Desktop App will show Files as well using the exact same directory - mirrored to my Linux machine, though.
Second question still holds: Is the extconfig.js support by the TagSpaces Lite Web App? I tried to setup the extconfig.js according to TagSpaces Docs (except, not for AWS, but my MinIO), but still, the location is gone after a reload.
Because, if the extconfig.json should be supported by the TagSpaces Lite Web App, I have to take another look into my configuration.
Regarding the minio issue. The guys from minio removed the gateway support in October last year, so now is not possible anymore to expose existing folders with minio. If you start with a new folder and connect it with TagSpaces and add files from TagSpaces, then it should work as expected. The last Minio release supporting this feature is apparently this one.
Regarding extconfig.js, most of the settings there should work also in the free version, including the ExtSaveLocationsInBrowser setting.
I’m setting up a TagSpaces Lite instance on Cloudflare, with an S3 Wasabi location. Even after setting the variable to window.ExtSaveLocationsInBrowser = true, the location setting is lost if I close the tab.