Future of Docker support for TagSpaces Web

Hi. I have been thinking about where and how to ask about it, so I tried to read existing topics during the last couple of days, as well as checking issues on GitHub. It is possible I still missed something that helps me understand it. I don’t actually have a specific issue. I mean I had , but it is not the point here.

I was wondering about the future of Docker support for the web version of TagSpaces. I found the project some days ago, but I missed a similar app for a long time actually. Since I work with Docker a lot, when I saw there was a web-based version, I immediately looked for a Docker image. I noticed that some people created Docker images on Docker Hub, but I prefer official releases. I found this: tagspaces/tagspaces-lite-web, but the version is old. v5.5.2.

Then I found the documentation: Install TagSpaces Web with Docker | TagSpaces Docs

It still mentions an old version, which is okay since it is just about building a new image, but the Dockerfile linked in the docs has an old version as well. So I changed the version in the Dockerfile, but I also thought I would optimize it, since it doesn’t really deletes anything, just creates new layers where the files are not accessible. So I did and I was thinking about sharing my Dockerfile, but I also checked if anyone have done it already. I found a pull request “docker with zenko s3 server” which is “onhold” and it was opened in 2023 in January.

So I would be glad to help, I’m just not sure what is the plan with supporting Docker in the source code or in the documentation. The installation guide in the linked documentation also shows copying a config file into the running container, which is usually not recommended, since we can start the container with a bind mounted config file.

So as I mentioned I could share my Dockerfile and even the compose file I made to easily start TagSpaces with S3Proxy. The question is just where. Here on the forum, or should I send a pull request even though my solution is much smaller than the one on hold on Github. I didn’t see comments about what the problem was with that pull request.

Hi, I will be happy if can share your files here, so I can integrate them in the project. I will need also a script or command for building and publishing a new docker image after releasing a new TagSpaces version.

Sorry, I had to focus on other things. I was actually curious about the plans. So supporting Docker containers is still a goal, just not through pull requests at the moment? If I fix something would I share that here too? :slight_smile:

Isn’t it a CI pipeline? I mean I can share a command to build using build arguments, but pushing would mean docker push IMAGENAME.

Yes, supporting docker container is still a goal, but currently the creation of the containers in not part of our CI pipeline. Of course you can create also a PR. In order to be merged you have to agree our CLA: Contribute | TagSpaces