Move TagSpaces to another PC

Hi everyone! I currently use TagSpaces in my laptop, and I am planning to buy a new one. I have hundreds of tagged files to keep the order of my research, and I believe that if I have to add the tags again I might just rather leave my current job and start a new life away from mi family. Is there any way to move the files with the attached tags to a new laptop?


Hi, you do not have to tag the files again. Just copy the folder with the tagged files to the new computer. You can also export your tag library and import it in the new TagSpaces installation, as explained here: TagSpaces Product Documentation | TagSpaces Docs .

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Sorry to resurrect the discussion now but I only discovered the existence of this programme last week.
What is the purpose of exporting tags? Isn’t it enough to copy the folder itself, which contains the .ts folder with all the tags? From the few tests I have done, that is where the tags are stored.

Exporting the tag library can be done for backup reasons or for importing it on another TagSpaces installation, so it can use the same set of tags.