Are there any limitations to the software that would keep files that were moved or copied to a folder from inheriting or receiving that folders tags other than the option simply not being available?
The tags and the descriptions for the files and folders of a given folder and the folder itself are stored in this folder. So once you move it or copy it somewhere, the tags are move/copied as well.
Thanks for a fast reply and I think I understand what you are saying.
However it is my understanding from reading your documentation and from my own testing that folders stores their descriptions and tags in a tsm.json file under the .ts folder and files themselves store their descriptions and tags in either a json of their own (sidecar) or as part of the filename for the file. I am not aware of the sidecar file (json) or of a name change to the file once moved or copied to another folder.
Would you be able to confirm?
I was interested in an option to include the tags in the tsm.json for the folder to populate the files jsons or rename it as part of the filename for incoming copies or moves of files. I am asking if there is a system limitation that would keep this from becoming an option? Thanks…