How do I add a leading space before the tag bracket?

I’ve been testing out TagSpaces but for some reason, the tags are squished up against the filename (e.g., filename[work].jpg). On a Mac, it looks terrible and unnatural. However, there doesn’t seem to be a way to add a leading space in front of the tag bracket (e.g., filename [work].jpg).

The screenshot under “Organizing files and folders with tags” in the TagSpaces help docs shows an “optional space for the visual separation of the tag area.”

So, if the help docs show this is possible, how does one add the “optional space” in the actual app?

This is currently not possible. But we will probably enable it again for the next release. The problem is that this way, you are loosing one character from the filepath. And the filepath is still limited to 256 characters on the major operating systems.

Personally, I don’t mind losing one character from the filepath if it improves the aesthetics and readability of my filenames.

Anyway, I really hope it’s added back as an option one day.


The space is added for the next version (5.3)