Question: Is there a way to add a URL link to a file as a tag?

I was wondering is there a way we can add out own links to an image/video in tag spaces as a tag or to redirect? I have the pro version installed.

Never mind I was able to figure this out, if you add the link to the description you can then find the link outgoing in the “link” tab. Oddly enough there is an extra character that is added at the end of the link (the “>” is not in the description) so when I click the link it does not activate correctly. Is there anyway to correct the application from doing so?

The character at the end is obviously a bug. Which version of TagSpaces are using?

Btw, the app shows there also links found in the content of the file, if the files is txt, html, md or searchable-pdf.

It says "tagspaces v6.2.1 PRO " in the image I sent the screenshot since I cant copy paste the build ID?

I found a work around to the link problem, you can just open up the link directly from the description by clicking on it.

also thankyou for that advice on finding links if it is in the file!