Allow opening sharing link outside the application

I can link to content in tagspaces (local computer link, not via internet) from within a local wiki (like obsidian)
I do this by copying the tagspaces sharing link en pasting it inside my text as url, giving it a name.

Requested functionality:
Later, Clicking on the that tagspaces-sharing-link url in my wikitext or somewhere else outside the tagspaces application, Tagspaces either opens the file directly, or goes to the result as if I had entered the link in the search window. (the chosen behavior is up to preference of the user and is configurable as setting)

Current workaround:
I need to extract the hyperlink url in my text wiki, copy the link address, open up tagspaces and past the link in the search window and open the file I want to see.

Suggested solution:
Please register the tagspaces application in windows to respond to clicking on a url with the following format ts://? making the sharing link available outside the tagspaces application .
Add the behavior as described in the requested functionality part.

Clicking on a tagspaces sharing link outside the application currently results in this:
Schermafbeelding 2024-03-08 161836
