Unable to search external drive

I am using tagspaces lite to try to tag sound files that I have on a large external drive so I can search as needed for content creation. I am able to tag fine, however whenever I try to search, it just hangs on searching. I have tested the funcionality on internal files, and it works fine. Same problem happens if I try to reindex.

For additional information, I am having the tagging method be saved as a sidecar file, since I use this drive on two seperate pc setups, and was going to test if I could get the tagging to carry over, but that will be a seperate future test.

same, if i move and run tagspace in an internal drive, i can search file and folder from an external drive. But if i move and run tagspaces in an external drive, i then cant search for anything in that said external drive. This problem has existed for years, ~2~3 years ago at least, which i also mentioned on their github page but look like they still didnt look into it