Two computers pointing to the same local folder on a shared drive. On one TagSpaces works as expected. On the other, when entering a search into the search bar it shows and stays on “Searching …” at the bottom of the screen but does not apply the filter. The settings on both computers are the same. Any suggestions what causes this and how to solve it?
Strange behavior! Which version of TagSpaces are you using and which operating system?
Just an idea about this, although I’m using the latest version (5.9.2 on Linux) and my issue was a little different (not finding anything based on tags). I found TagSpaces a couple of days ago and I often try new applications in an offline environment so I can check the logs if the app wants to send request to an external source. I created a new network namespace on Linux for TagSpaces and I forgot to activate the loopback interface so I had no
IP address. The app still opened so I ignored the error message in the logs that it tried to parse something on
and couldn’t. Later I found out the search function didn’t work because of the missing loopback IP where tagspaces starts the server component. I enabled the interface, restarted TagSpaces and the search resultsappeared even if not the right result, but I’m still investigating that and possibly open a new topic later.
Hi, TagSpaces uses a local web service for indexing the files and creating thumbnails in order to increase the performance of these operations. The service use a local port, something 43521, where the main applications connects. The service can also be disabled in the advanced settings of the application if it is concerning you. What is wrong in your search results?
No conceirn about the local service. I just shared it as it seemed relevant in this topic since it affected the search result and I guessed “Searching…” could mean that the service o the loopback IP is not available.
Still good to know, thanks.
It shows only one item regardless of how many file has the same tag, but some tags work or at least show more than one file. Since I got error messages as well and it has nothing to do with the “Searching…” label, I thought it could be discussed in another topic or it is possible I find out myself that I just missed some settings. I have read only a couple of pages in the documentation.